Aside from the following special betting rules, the common betting rules apply. The special rules will take precedence over the common rules nevertheless.
1.) Individual rules will be added here on occasion. If not otherwise stated, general rules for sportsbetting apply.
2.) eSports: 2-way – Who will win?
Bets will be settled on the result including overtime. If the match/competition ends through retirement, all bets stand and will be settled based on the official winner.
3.) eSports: 3-way – Result
Bets will be settled on the result after regular time. If the match/competition ends through retirement, all bets stand and will be settled based on the official winner.
Bets will be cancelled particularly in the following cases but not limited to:
- If there is a change to the scheduled distance of the match
- In case of a walkover
Weather Bets
1.) No stakes will be returned for reasons of ineligibility, failure to be nominated or any other reason. Other contenders can be added on request.
In the event of a tie, dead heat rules will apply.
2.) British weather settlement will be based upon official statistics from the British Weather Service, unless otherwise stated in the individual market's terms and conditions.
3.) Rest of the world settlement based on the temperature data presented on https://www.meteoblue.com
4.) Christmas Snow For a bet of a white Christmas each year, a snowflake, sleet or a snow grain (together "Snow") must be officially recorded as having fallen between 00:01 hours and 23:59 hours on 25 December ("Christmas Day") for the stated year. For these purposes:
- Will it snow at the precise, specified locations at any time on Christmas Day?
- Settlement will be determined by the Met Office, irrespective of any other reports.
- Singles only, any multiples accepted in error will be settled in line with our rules on Related Bets.
EU Parliamentary Elections
Country – Most Seats
Markets will be settled based on which Party/Alliance wins the most seats. Where possible, we will include which European political group the Party/Alliance is affiliated with, although in certain cases this can be subject to change and it is up to the customer to be aware of this. We will settle this market strictly on which Party/Alliance wins the most seats, regardless of which political group they are officially affiliated with at the time of the elections.